Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Filming Synopsis

When we began filming, we chose to do it at one of the actors houses , we chose Adeels house as he was willing to let us use it and it was also the closets to school.

Although the scenes which were recorded at adeels house come in the second half of the opening we decided to shoot them first because we didn’t want to waste time as we were already behind on filming, as we wanted to record the first part of our opening at night we went to Adeels to record until we had the darkness which we required outside

The first problem we had whilst filming in adeels was the mise-en-scene , we had to remove some religious objects from the wall because they did not match the profile of the main character. We also had to add some objects to create a place to put the alarm clock, as adeel did not have a bedside table

We also had to retake the shot in the bathroom a few times because the cameraman’s reflection could be seen in the mirror during the shot so we had to angle it correctly. We also decided that it would look more dramatic if I splashed more water on my face so we decided to retake that shot.


We had to re-shoot the alleyway scene many times firstly due to pedestrians which kept passing by while we were recording, this was not helpful because we were working with a camera which had a low battery .

We felt that the angle at which the scene was being shot was not good enough so we decided to have our camera man climb up on a wall to get a high angle shot of the footage

Positioning was also a problem as the actor which played the dead body was quite heavy which meant whilst we weren’t in the shot he was standing rather than being carried, which meant we had to re-film so that the positions of the actors were consistent right the way through

We also had a problem when first shooting due to sounds which were out of our control for example , police sirens. The video camera picked up many other sounds as well as trying to pick up the voices of our actors which meant actors had to speak loud enough to be heard over background noise

We had to apply a slightly darker filter to some parts of our opening (when filming outdoors) as we were filming outdoors for about an hour , as the time passed it got darker which was noticeable in the editing , so by adding the darker filter we were able to get a level of light which was consistent throughout.

~Nathan Jameson~

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