Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Progress of group Four

This is a photo of Marcus, he was reaserching more into the social realism genre and also creating a blog entry. His research into the social realism genre helped us throughout our coursework because we were able to acknowledge how the openinging of this certain genre should be (exposition , camera shots, lighting and also diegetic & non diegetic music) .

This is an photo of Isaac who has been consistently working hard during our lesson and even staying longer after college to edit our opening so that it can get the highest mark possible, he has been using Final cut pro to edit combined with After effect CS3 throughout the project, which are not two of the easiest softwares to use, in this picture he is working on the title.

This is a photo of Rose during our media lesson , she had been committed to creating or uploading alot of information to the blog, at the moment she is working on a post on a complete synopsis of the film, as director she has been successful in dictating what needs to be done on the blog by the other members in our group

~ Nathan Jameson~

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