My first screen grab is a medium close up of my character , i chose this shot because
it was clear and worked very well in showing my facial expressions/emotion. we did not choose to use an extreme close up because we wanted to include the costume of my character to allow the audience to become more aquatinted with his personality. The facial expression which i was trying to express was sadness and mental pain , the dark lighting connotes the social realist genre as well as setting the mood which was intended to be sorrowful. The close up shot also captured the wall in which i was stood next to , this was done to make it seem as if the actor was trapped as if the walls were closing adding to his despair which lead to the next shot were I collapse under the pressure.
My second screen grab was an over the shoulder shot of me looking into a mirror, the general use of costume was used to show the characters mental as well as physical breakdown, the colour of the T shirt was chosen to show mourning for the recent loss a close friend , my hair shows how the character is beginning to become slightly un-hinged. Although it may not be visible in this screen grab , there was also water dripping from my face, this shows that the character was trying to wash away his sins as water symbolizes cleansing.
~Nathan Jameson
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