Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Shot list

We originally had two different ideas for the opening of our film , we were not exactly sure which one we wanted to use so we created a shot list for both ideas , however we thought about which one would convey a stronger sense of a social realist film and also which one would be more straightforward in terms of shooting , mise-en-scene and acting , which brought us to the conclusion of using the second opening idea .

Some of the problems we would have had if we used the first idea were , having to rely on other actors outside of our media lesson to participate and be punctual, an indoor location which was would have been big enough to shoot and it also would have been more time consuming in comparison to our second idea.

Below are both of our shot lists which I had to re-create in order for the them to be read and understood fully ,as the writing on the originals was not very clear when uploaded to the computer

Shot list 1

Second Shot list

~Nathan Jameson

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