Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Marcus's Screen grabs
Character Juxtaposition
When comparing characters in films, we chose to juxtapose the character Max (played by Marcus Charles) with the character B.B from the film Honey. Both characters are similar in the way that they are both painted as thuggish and involved with dealing drugs, also both reflect the common stereotype of a 'Gansta' in the way they are depicted during filming, both violent and threatening.
Marcus's Screen grabs
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Shot list
Monday, 29 March 2010
Editing Process
Nathan's screen grab
My second screen grab was an over the shoulder shot of me looking into a mirror, the general use of costume was used to show the characters mental as well as physical breakdown, the colour of the T shirt was chosen to show mourning for the recent loss a close friend , my hair shows how the character is beginning to become slightly un-hinged. Although it may not be visible in this screen grab , there was also water dripping from my face, this shows that the character was trying to wash away his sins as water symbolizes cleansing.
Rose's Screen Grabs
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Group 4 Power Point Presentation
Isaac Screen Grabs
Logo creation/ After effects
To make sure our film opening was unique in comparison to most others , I decided to create an animated opening for our production company which is called “ Wavey Productions
Firstly me and Marcus had to choose a font for the production companies name, since ours was to do with waves and water we chose a font called “Marcel”
We then wanted to add something more , so we looked for images which again represented water, we ended up choosing a surfer, we found a font on the same website called "athlete". After we consulted the group on our selected font and logo idea we downloaded the fonts to begin making the font.
After looking at a lot of different distribution companies we have come to a group decision that the best choice, to distribute our film if we were to release it would be 'Blue Dolphin'. The reasons for that being are as followed. First of all due to a lack of experience as a group, we were looking for a company that had great experience in distributing films and Blue Dolphin has that. With over 30 years experience we felt that Blue dolphin would be able to give our group the cutting edge and or the best opportunity in making our movie successful. Blue Dolphin also has great links with other companies such as hotels, airlines and ships and our movie would be able to be seen by a lot more people.
Gang Mood Board
Drug and Alcohol Mood Board
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Progress of group Four
This is a photo of Marcus, he was reaserching more into the social realism genre and also creating a blog entry. His research into the social realism genre helped us throughout our coursework because we were able to acknowledge how the openinging of this certain genre should be (exposition , camera shots, lighting and also diegetic & non diegetic music) .
This is an photo of Isaac who has been consistently working hard during our lesson and even staying longer after college to edit our opening so that it can get the highest mark possible, he has been using Final cut pro to edit combined with After effect CS3 throughout the project, which are not two of the easiest softwares to use, in this picture he is working on the title.
This is a photo of Rose during our media lesson , she had been committed to creating or uploading alot of information to the blog, at the moment she is working on a post on a complete synopsis of the film, as director she has been successful in dictating what needs to be done on the blog by the other members in our group
Plot Synopsis
Viewing Results 2
Viewing Results
”The locations were very believable”
“Location was really
good, fits the theme”
“Location and dark lighting helps to emphasise the mood”
“The location was
effective and worked well with the genre”
“I think they worked
well to establish who the characters are”
“Realistic acting”
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Planning Methods
Filming Synopsis
When we began filming, we chose to do it at one of the actors houses , we chose Adeels house as he was willing to let us use it and it was also the closets to school.
Although the scenes which were recorded at adeels house come in the second half of the opening we decided to shoot them first because we didn’t want to waste time as we were already behind on filming, as we wanted to record the first part of our opening at night we went to Adeels to record until we had the darkness which we required outside
The first problem we had whilst filming in adeels was the mise-en-scene , we had to remove some religious objects from the wall because they did not match the profile of the main character. We also had to add some objects to create a place to put the alarm clock, as adeel did not have a bedside table
We also had to retake the shot in the bathroom a few times because the cameraman’s reflection could be seen in the mirror during the shot so we had to angle it correctly. We also decided that it would look more dramatic if I splashed more water on my face so we decided to retake that shot.
We had to re-shoot the alleyway scene many times firstly due to pedestrians which kept passing by while we were recording, this was not helpful because we were working with a camera which had a low battery .
We felt that the angle at which the scene was being shot was not good enough so we decided to have our camera man climb up on a wall to get a high angle shot of the footage
Positioning was also a problem as the actor which played the dead body was quite heavy which meant whilst we weren’t in the shot he was standing rather than being carried, which meant we had to re-film so that the positions of the actors were consistent right the way through
We also had a problem when first shooting due to sounds which were out of our control for example , police sirens. The video camera picked up many other sounds as well as trying to pick up the voices of our actors which meant actors had to speak loud enough to be heard over background noise
We had to apply a slightly darker filter to some parts of our opening (when filming outdoors) as we were filming outdoors for about an hour , as the time passed it got darker which was noticeable in the editing , so by adding the darker filter we were able to get a level of light which was consistent throughout.
~Nathan Jameson~
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Cast and Crew !!
Whilst shooting not only did he teach other actors breathing/preparation techniques, no matter how many times we had to retake a shot , he was fine and he truly rose to the occasion. His brightest moment came in the alley way scene when he was truly able to convey a distraught character despite him being someone who can rarely be found less then jubilant! He assisted Isaac in the editing and also contributed his own graphic work from ' Adobe After Effects'. Nathan was also the one who digitally created the company logo on the computer by himself.
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
One of our Shots
This is an example of a high angle shot, from a part of our film we think this is a level 3/4 because its a very interesting angle, it helps to set the scene and convey a sense of powerlessness, it also makes them feel as though they are being watched, furthermore the shot is well framed and not 'wonky' despite it being done using the camera as handheld, from an unsteady height. However we are not sure the shot stayed as steady as we would have liked and have not yet finished editing so we are not yet confident to give it a level 4.
~Rose McGinley Redon