Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Marcus's Screen grabs

This shot is very affective as we chose to use the rule of thirds, showing that our character was out of sync thinking about what took place the night before. We chose to keep our character in black clothing and made him sit on a black chair again going with the idea that black is associated with death and a dark past. The messy clothes on the top of the chair show that our character is lost and confused in his thoughts. I like this shot very much and feel it is one of our best.
~Marcus Charles

Character Juxtaposition

When comparing characters in films, we chose to juxtapose the character Max (played by Marcus Charles) with the character B.B from the film Honey. Both characters are similar in the way that they are both painted as thuggish and involved with dealing drugs, also both reflect the common stereotype of a 'Gansta' in the way they are depicted during filming, both violent and threatening.

~Rose McGinley Redon

Marcus's Screen grabs

This shot fits very well in our film opening because it shows our main protagonists lifestyle which as you can see is very crazy at the moment, hence the messy clothes in the background. We chose to put a cartoon poster on the wall to show an innocent but immature side to our character. We also took time thinking of how we could show our main protagonist was innocent but stuck in a sticky situation. We chose to find a white room and use white bedding to suggest innocence and a good hearted person. We then chose to dress our character in black suggesting death and evil.

~Marcus Charles

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Shot list

We originally had two different ideas for the opening of our film , we were not exactly sure which one we wanted to use so we created a shot list for both ideas , however we thought about which one would convey a stronger sense of a social realist film and also which one would be more straightforward in terms of shooting , mise-en-scene and acting , which brought us to the conclusion of using the second opening idea .

Some of the problems we would have had if we used the first idea were , having to rely on other actors outside of our media lesson to participate and be punctual, an indoor location which was would have been big enough to shoot and it also would have been more time consuming in comparison to our second idea.

Below are both of our shot lists which I had to re-create in order for the them to be read and understood fully ,as the writing on the originals was not very clear when uploaded to the computer

Shot list 1

Second Shot list

~Nathan Jameson

Monday, 29 March 2010

Editing Process

Editing process

FL studio

the program used to make the instrumental in the opening of are movie.

After effects.

this is the program that was used to make the special effects in are 2 minute opening.
here is a preview of some of the effects that had been created with after effects.

TV turning off

Final cut was used for the main editing of the opening of are movie final cut is a simple program to use and is really effective when you have to make difficult edits.

~Isaac Stewart

Nathan's screen grab

My first screen grab is a medium close up of my character , i chose this shot because
it was clear and worked very well in showing my facial expressions/emotion. we did not choose to use an extreme close up because we wanted to include the costume of my character to allow the audience to become more aquatinted with his personality. The facial expression which i was trying to express was sadness and mental pain , the dark lighting connotes the social realist genre as well as setting the mood which was intended to be sorrowful. The close up shot also captured the wall in which i was stood next to , this was done to make it seem as if the actor was trapped as if the walls were closing adding to his despair which lead to the next shot were I collapse under the pressure.

My second screen grab was an
over the shoulder shot of me looking into a mirror, the general use of costume was used to show the characters mental as well as physical breakdown, the colour of the T shirt was chosen to show mourning for the recent loss a close friend , my hair shows how the character is beginning to become slightly un-hinged. Although it may not be visible in this screen grab , there was also water dripping from my face, this shows that the character was trying to wash away his sins as water symbolizes cleansing.

~Nathan Jameson

Rose's Screen Grabs

My first screen grab is the establishing shot of the film. It shows the characters
in a full body shot with the buildings towering over them making them appear small and weak, it also gives you the beginning impression of the characters (dark figures in an alleyway at night) which is connoted by their attire, (hoodies etc) which gives you the classic impression of dangerous people. You cant quite yet see what's happening which adds a sense of mystery, if you paused the film now people would want to watch on. Furthermore the lighting and the time of day we used adds to the shifty atmosphere and connotes to the social realism genre.

My second screen grab comes a few seconds later, i chose this one because i thought the angle and the shot in general were really impressive, this is a high angle shot, which we felt would work best, it caused our camera man to climb a 6 ft wall and then a fence to loop his arm through barb wire in order to get the correct shot. Again the angle makes the actors seem weak and out of control, furthermore the way Nathan (Tyrone) is clutching his hands connotes fear and sadness. Whilst Marcus (Max) is still shrouded in darkness holding the body, this gives the impression that he is far less upset then Nathan which is what we wanted to convey, as Marcus's character was supposed to be a great deal more uncaring towards the situation.

~Rose McGinley Redon